5 Tips I used to Stop Being Lazy and Got Motivated

Fatima Al-Qahtani
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Let's talk about laziness. Of course, people who are lazy would love to have that energy everyone else has, but… they are "too lazy to".

The causes of laziness is decreased level of motivation, low energy, lack of rest, sleep, and exercise.

Is there a cure to stop being lazy?

No, there is no simple cure to stop your laziness, your lack of energy. The only way to get rid of it to set your mind to do simple tasks, such as walking for 30 minutes a day, cleaning some parts of the house (like your room, or your bathroom), finishing up all the work you have missing, set up a daily schedule, set up goals, and much more than you can imagine! Just get up and do it! Start now to develop the self-discipline you need to reach your goals. Tip: While reaching your goal, focus on one at a time, focusing at all at the same time will add too much pressure and stress.

How to Keep yourself busy?

To stay energized, you will have to keep yourself busy, instead of sitting down on the couch, eating and watching tv.

1. Keep Active

It may be very tempting to sit on the couch and watch films and TV shows all day, but make sure you are getting some exercise and staying healthy! There are many exercises that you can do in your home to keep fit and moving which is very important for your body and your mind. You can find lots of different channels online with fitness routines to suit your level and health needs. Just remember to stretch and warm up first; you don’t want to pull a muscle! (Try to move for at least 5 minutes every hour, every day)

Stretch first!

2. Get into the Kitchen!

After your workout, you’ll probably be hungry so instead of grabbing a quick snack or that easy-cook pasta, spend some time creating your favorite meal. Looking online, there are many places you can find some great recipes (one of our favorites is BBC Food). If cooking is not your thing, give baking a try!

3. Find a New Hobby

Now is the time to get trying out new skills! Pick up a pencil and try sketching; who knows, you might be the next Picasso! There are many different hobbies that you can try at home such as drawing or origami — all you need is a pen or pencil and paper! If you enjoy photography but can’t get out the house, start looking at things in your home with a different perspective or explore the settings on your smartphone and start getting creative!

4. Stay Social

Living in the 21st century has some massive benefits! Technology is a wonderful tool that we can use to keep in contact with friends and family from around the world. Apps like WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook and Instagram are great for sharing your thoughts and activities with your loved ones!

It might always be obvious, but there are many things that we can do at home to ensure that we continue our active habits and stay healthy! Let The Language Gallery know what you’re up and keep us updated on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Now all you have to do is repeat this routine everyday. Not only will you gain energy, but also keep fit and healthy!



Fatima Al-Qahtani

Hey, i'm just a teen trying to earn money, I love writing when I am bored and I really hope you enjoy my writings!